A few weeks ago I was out cycling with a good friend and we were discussing the concept of life having a reset button. He was referencing a job that he wished he had taken a few years ago. Sometimes we get stuck in a rut or just feel stale—wouldn’t it be great if we could press a button and reset where we are, how we feel, or just see something differently than we did the first time?
I am sure there are many of you saying that life is full of mistakes and it is from those mistakes we learn. My father-in-law once told one of his daughters that there are no bad decisions: one decisions leads you down a path that leads to another path. We figure stuff out along the way.
Personally, I like the idea of the reset button, like the Easy Button from Staples. As I was thinking about this, the old Rod Stewart song "Ooh La La" came on Pandora (granted I was on the Rod Stewart channel). If you are not familiar, the chorus is "I wish that I knew what I know now / When I was younger." Yes, reset me please!